I hate asking for money. Hate is a strong word, but it makes me so uncomfortable. Back in school when we were selling chocolate frogs for fundraisers, I would bring my box of chocolates home, and Mum and Dad would end up buying the whole box for $30 so I didn't have to walk the streets trying to sell them. But now I'm being pushed so far out of my comfort zone as I launch my crowdfunding page to fund my participation in Homeward Bound. My task is to raise ~$25,000. Yikes. I wanted to be part of Homeward Bound to increase my leadership + visibility + strategy + communications skills. A large component of visibility is putting yourself out there to let people know what you're doing, spark interest in the cause and then believe in you and support you. And so far, I'm learning an incredible amount, that is so valuable. But, I wasn't prepared to feel as out of control and uncomfortable as I have starting my fundraising efforts. I squirm asking someone for $10. And now I'm asking people to donate to help me raise $25,000. It's more than my salary.....! Homeward Bound is 100% self-funded (i.e. ‘not for profit’ and not ‘for profit’) and is largely funded by a significant contribution from Dattner Grant. The total cost of this 12-month leadership program and 3-week expedition to Antarctica is $40,000 AUD per person. Of that, approximately $15,000 is subsidised via in-kind contributions already (check out the program sponsors), but each participant is tasked with covering the remaining ~$25,000. This significant investment includes the ship in Antarctica for 3 weeks, accommodation in Ushuaia, program administration, management and logistics, return flights from Sydney to Ushuaia, expedition clothing and equipment, and travel insurance. A full breakdown of program costs and program sponsors are provided. Most participants have full/partial financial support from their employers/workplace (and I'll be honest, I can't help but feel a little jealous) - I am entirely self-funded and have chosen to raise the funds for my participation through crowdfunding! So - if you are feeling particularly generous, or feel like Homeward Bound has struck a chord with you, or want to contribute, here is the link to my page. Any donations of any size are greatly appreciated, and every single dollar counts! Donations can be anonymous. There's a range of perks and rewards available too, so have a look! https://chuffed.org/project/stephgardner As uncomfortable as I am fundraising, I am so motivated to continue my journey with Homeward Bound and I know I will be able to implement what I learn throughout the rest of my career. Some of my fellow HB19 sisters have launched their own crowdfunding pages too. Check them out! If for some reason you don't feel like you want to donate to my page, see if there is another page that resonates with you and aligns 100%. No judgement or offence taken. We are in it together, and together we are stronger! http://homewardboundprojects.com.au/2018/05/31/make-hb-possible-for-hb19-women/ - Steph XO Comments are closed.